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5 Good Reasons To Change Diet and Go Vegan

If you are reading this post it probably means you are thinking about going vegan, or maybe you just want to know more about why so many people are now choosing a vegan diet. Even though it is hard to calculate the amount of vegans worldwide, the data tells us veganism is more than just a trend and it is growing exponentially (biggest example is the UK, where vegans are expected to skyrocket to 327% this year). As the vegan market grows, more food companies are now able to propose better non meat alternatives, same goes for the beauty and fashion industry, where many cruelty free brands are now seeing bigger income. So, why are so many people choosing to stop eating animals? These are the 5 top reasons to go vegan.


When I first decided to go vegan, I did it because of my concern about climate change. It was only later that veganism opened my eyes on so many different issues related to consuming meat. What does eating meat have to do with climate change? The answer is easy: studies say the meat industry is considered to be one of the biggest causes of CO2 emissions (about 18% of human produced greenhouse gas emissions worldwide). Livestock farming now occupies about 45% of our planet, which has caused deforestation, water scarcity and degradation and biodiversity loss. As the demand for meat keeps growing, eating animals is simply unsustainable for our planet and resources.


I think we eat meat and diaries only because our society and cultural traditions teach us we are doing no harm by eating animal products. When we see an animal pictured in a meat package or in an advertising on TV, we see a happy animal living his best life, but the reality is a very different one. By eating meat and diary products, we are indeed contributing to animal abuse, images that we are not used being exposed to. I truly believe you are just one video away from turning vegan, just be brave enough to watch the video here below.

To play this video, view this post from your live site.

If watching this video made you uncomfortable, that is because you are a good person and your gut feeling tells you eating animals is wrong. Now ask yourself, do I really want to contribute to animal cruelty?


Scientific studies are very clear: eating meat isn't good for your health. Many major health organizations are now stating that it’s healthy to eat a well-planned vegan diet during all stages of life – and that it’s favorable to do so because vegans have lower rates of cancer, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart diseases, diabetes, strokes, and even Alzheimer’s. The WHO stated that processed meat is a carcinogen and that red meat probably is as well, there are even studies showing the connection between casein (milk protein) and cancer. A plant-based diet will change your way of eating for better, if you turn vegan you are more likely to ingest more vitamins and nutrients, you will get sick less often, your skin will improve and you will even lose some weight!


Covid-19 isn't the first virus that came out of China's wet markets, the same thing happened in 2003 with Sars, another kind of Coronavirus. Pandemics like the bird flu and swine flu also came from factory farms, where animals live in very poor conditions in order to satisfy our desire for meat. It's not at all unusual for viruses and other pathogens to jump from animals into the human population. And to make it worse, animals in these farms are fed antibiotics in order to keep them alive in filthy conditions that would otherwise kill them. Because of this vast use of antibiotics, certain bacteria have become resistant, contributing to the emergence of new, aggressive pathogens. Raising and killing animals for food threatens human health. As meat demand increases, so does the probability of new viruses coming along.


We eat animals for pleasure and for tradition, but there is actually no scientific proof that humans need to eat meat and diaries in order to be healthy. Biologists think we don't have the teeth of meat eaters, we also have a different type of intestine than carnivorous animals. Just think about the fact we are the only animals who need to cook meat in order to eat it. In conclusion, a vegan diet has enough amount of nutrients and proteins (except for B12 that can be taken as a supplement. It is now clear why the killing of farmed animals is unnecessary, and therefore a cruel act.

Are you ready to change the world through your actions? If I could do it, you can too.
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